Student Development Office

The College aims at providing an all-rounded education for our students, and so the Student Development Office has been set up to supplement the training provided by academic teaching. The main objectives of the office are:


  1. To offer guidance in organizing extra-curricular activities and to provide assistance to student organizations.
  2. To provide a vast variety of extra-curricular activities for students to participate in, including cross- cultural exposure activities such as the Exchange Programme as well as personal development activities such as workshops on various themes.
  3. To offer personal guidance in the areas of personal problems, finance, academic studies, interpersonal relationships, emotional disturbances, etc. Through such assistance, it is hoped that students will become more positive, enthusiastic, mature and will play an active role in social life. In cases of special needs, the Student Development Office may arrange for a suitable referral either on or off the University campus. All students are welcome to contact the office to discuss problems of special concern, which will be kept strictly confidential.
  4. To offer services related to the general welfare of the students such as student hostels, interest-free emergency loans and bursaries, etc. The office also provides information on financial assistance from the Government and the University.
  5. To liaise between the students and the College.


The Student Development Office is located on the fourth floor of Pommerenke Student Centre where the Dean of Students and his colleagues work. Students are welcome to make appointments with them, or come to the office for various student services like the application of scholarships and financial-aid etc.

Personal Growth

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Overseas Exploration

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Student Wellness

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Student Helper System
