Chung Chi Facets

Chill Moments of Koi Appreciation


Campus Newsletter / Chung Chi Facets


Where can we see koi on the CUHK campus? Apart from the Institute of Chinese Studies, koi can also be found in Lake Ad Excellentiam and the pond adjacent to the Chapel of Chung Chi College. Anywhere else? Outside Ying Lin Tang, the College student hostel, there is a little fishpond, where we can also appreciate a school of koi. Some student residents called it the “Triangular Pond”. Not many koi are in the pond though, they are all colourful and have graceful postures. Koi swimming freely in the little pond is aesthetically pleasing. During stressful times, just stand by the pond and see the koi for a while, you will feel utterly relaxed with your body and soul recharged. That’s why some visitors enjoy their chill moments of koi appreciation during holidays. Sound interesting? Why not come to Ying Lin Tang and visit such a soothing school of koi?


Professor Ko Wing Hung // University Dean of Students

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