Found Space

Christmas at Chung Chi


Campus Newsletter / Found Space


The year is almost over, and Christmas is just around the corner. Chung Chi teachers and students used to attach great importance to Christmas. Apart from sung worship and Christmas caroling held on the campus, Chung Chi Student Post had a full-page featuring Christmas-related tales, like “The Silence of the Three Wise Men from the East before the Holy Son”, “About the Santa Clause”, and “The Origin of Caroling”, among others, enabling students to understand and reflect on the meaning of Christmas.


While celebrating Christmas, the Student Fellowship of Chung Chi organised a Christmas Party for street children. With the economic support of all teachers and students, programmes and games were arranged for those children who were helpless, homeless, and suffering from hunger and cold. The College Resident Association once launched the “Chung Chi Students Donating Christmas Gifts to Poor Children Campaign”, encouraging students to donate their money, toys, and biscuits to the poor children all over the city through the Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong.


With the care and dedication of Chung Chi-ers, Christmas joy was spread from the campus to the community.

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