Cover Story

Cultivate Spiritual Well-being and Purpose Driven Life


Campus Newsletter / Cover Story

Mr. Ngai King Kwok Anthony Trustee of Chung Chi College



Leaving a Well-Paid Job and Pursuing a Dream


It is commonly heard that university graduates can hardly put the acquired knowledge into practice. However, apart from textbook knowledge, universities also teach students life principles that are useful throughout their lifetime. Mr. Ngai King Kwok Anthony, Chung Chi College’s Trustee and alumnus, is well aware of this truth. After graduating in 2004 with his major in Quantitative Finance, one of the best-ranked subjects of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Anthony gave full play to his advantages by serving in a prestigious global investment bank for 15 years, becoming Head of Credit Trading for the Asia Pacific region. While his flourishing outlook was being highly admired, he decided to leave the well-paid industry and started from scratch by establishing an emotional education non-profit organisation along with two other CUHK alumni in 2018. Why did he make such a decision? How did his college life at Chung Chi cultivate his outlook on life?


When Anthony was an undergraduate, he was a steadfast supporter of Chung Chi Assemblies by attending all sections punctually every semester.


Active Chung Chi-er Nurturing Spiritual Well-Being


Anthony’s university life was truly fabulous. He actively participated in a broad variety of college and university events, such as being the President of the Quantitative Finance Society and a member of the University English Debating Team, CUHK; as well as a member of the Tennis Team and Rotaract Club of Chung Chi College. Especially fond of Chung Chi Assemblies, he attended all twelve sections punctually every semester, “Chung Chi Chapel, where I had a lot of sweet memories, is very special for me.” In the Chapel, light rays pass through the glass panel while the curtain is being opened gradually. The towering cross glitters in the sunshine and the aura lights up the universe. The College Anthem is playing and reverberating throughout the Chapel, which has deeply impressed him. Chung Chi has inspired him in his spiritual growth and religious belief, “Being the only College in CUHK with a religious background, Chung Chi is so unique as it creates a hub for spiritual nurturance,” said Anthony.


From Roommate to Lifelong Comrade


When talking about his days in Chung Chi hostel, Anthony was really excited. A lifelong comradeship has been nurtured with both laughter and tears at Chung Chi. “I lived in Madam SH Ho Hall (Ho Hall), which always stays active. I remember the hall hosted many meaningful activities, such as Ho Hall Cell Group and ‘Tolo Nocturnes’. Throughout my three-year university life, I lived with the same roommate. We would have a lot of insightful chats at midnight, such as exploring the meaning of life or something interesting about the universe at Lake Ad Excellentiam. Later, he became my best friend and was one of the ‘brothers’ at my wedding ceremony. Such a priceless friendship also started at Chung Chi,” said Anthony. He believes that Chung Chi can inspire students to constantly ponder over the issues encountered and cultivate spiritual well-being thanks to the Chung Chi Assemblies, Ho Hall Cell Group, and service-learning projects, among others.


In 2018, Anthony (3rd left, back row) partnered with two other CUHK alumni to co-found JUST FEEL, an emotional education non-profit organisation dedicated to transforming the communication culture in schools and families to enhance the emotional well-being of children.


Life Influencing Life


Like many other ambitious graduates, Anthony endeavoured to have prosperous career development upon graduation. However, after serving in J.P. Morgan for 15 years, he was gradually aware that the value of life is not solely confined to work and money. What is more important is “life influencing life”. Therefore, Anthony decided to leave his well-paid job at the global investment bank in 2018 and co-found JUST FEEL, a non-profit organisation dedicated to transforming the communication culture in schools and families to enhance the emotional well-being of children. With the organisation’s motto “Connection Before Solution”, Anthony mentioned that each day’s work starts off with a ‘morning circle’, such that the need for connection is fulfilled in the team, and JUST FEEL hopes to do the same by co-creating a compassionate school culture with 20 local partnering primary schools.


Time flies and things change. Nevertheless, Anthony is still a dedicated Chung Chi-er shouldering a broad array of duties at the College. Apart from being a Trustee of the College, he is also a member of the Finance Committee, Development Committee, and Campus Facilities Subcommittee, as well as the Vice-Chairperson of the Chung Chi College Alumni Association. On top of these, he also attaches great importance to the physical, mental, and spiritual development of students by having joined the Mentorship Programme of Chung Chi College for over five years. During the academic year of 2014/15, his family foundation donated a fund totalling HKD250,000 to the College to establish The Ngai Family Foundation Balanced Education Scholarship, “We aspire to recognise students who are proactive in serving the College. Even if they don’t have outstanding academic performance, their contributions in sports, music, culture, and community service are worth commending,” said Anthony. Encouraging students to have a holistic development, Anthony believes that the College is duty-bound to nurture students’ spiritual well-being, like the College vision, “to become virtuous and talented ‘master of pen and sword’ with a strong integrity and being spiritually cultivated.”


Anthony encourages every Chung Chi-er to be dedicated to the College and our society by being kind and benevolent, having noble aspirations, and nurturing a moral character.


Remaining True to Original Aspiration and Chung Chi Spirit


Today, Anthony still has a strong regard for the College motto, “In Pursuit of Excellence,” “Chung Chi spirit is always on my mind whenever I manage my work and make life decisions. I keep learning throughout my lifetime.” Anthony is dedicated to nurturing a lifelong learning attitude and striving for continuous improvement. As an alumnus, Anthony advised Chung Chi students to remain true to their original aspiration in learning and stay curious about anything they encounter, “It would be painstaking when embarking on the career development in the first few years upon graduation. Stay strong, keep going, and gain more work experience, and you can pursue your dream or realise the goal which you are passionate about with the knowledge and experience you have sufficiently acquired. Anthony encourages every Chung Chi-er to contribute to the College and our society by being kind and benevolent, having noble aspirations, and nurturing a moral character.


Student Reporter Hung Ka Hei


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