Chung Chi Video

Dream to follow: Bows and Arrows


Chung Chi Video

香港中文大學崇基學院Chung Chi College, CUHK03:48


【同學萬花筒 Kaleidoscope of Students】弓、箭,一般人或者只會在古裝電視劇中見過,但它們卻是曾淼騫(Anna)生命中不可或缺的部分。Anna是信息工程學系的畢業生,也是一位反曲弓射箭運動員。她在八年前開始學習射箭,其後參加過不同類型的比賽,也獲得了不少的獎項。她更於二○一七年入選香港青少年射箭集訓隊青訓(青訓),於隊內與全港精英一同 訓練至二○一九年底。讓我們一同來看看Anna與射箭的故事。


Bows and arrows, which most of the people might only see in costume TV dramas, are the indispensable part in the life of Tsang Miu Hin Anna of Anna's life. Anna is a graduate of Information Engineering Programme. Meanwhile she is a recurve archer. Since learning archery eight years ago, she has entered lots of competitions and won a number of prizes. She was even selected to join the Hong Kong Archery Youth Squad from 2017 to 2019. Let’s see her story with archery.