
05 November, 2020

Introduction to the NET Blog

Hello, I’m Neil Stewart, the NET from Yaumati Catholic Primary School (Hoi Wang Road).

I am delighted to welcome the school community to our website.  The website is designed to present material of interest to both students and parents related to the work of the NETs in the school. 

The website offers backup materials that we have created to help the students review the materials covered in class.  In J1 and J2, it is predominantly material to assist in phonemic awareness (learning English sounds), phonics material to reinforce new sounds that have been learnt and self-written stories to develop their reading skills.  The materials covered by J1 and J2 in the NET lessons can be found under the J1 and J2 headings respectively. 

There are also materials for higher grades under the various other headings, for example, under speaking and writing tools.  This material will increase with time and we will be gradually adding material taught in previous years.

The website also includes a ‘blog’ that we plan to use to present English language activities that students are involved in with the school’s native English-speaking teachers (NETs). Examples include English Days and the work of the English Ambassadors.

I encourage you to have a look at the various menus and try out the material with your children. Also, please feel free to contact me with ideas or suggestions.


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