
25 October, 2016


學校於 2015至2016年9月為兒童癌病基金舉辦多次『「童」來閱讀顯愛心』圖書義賣活動,2015-16年度售出 85 本 Our Stories 和 245 本 Our Stories II 籌得$26713.40。學校並已於2016年10月12日收到兒童癌病基金書面回覆確認收妥,在此萬分感激家長的支持!

Between September 2015 and September 2016, we held many charity bazaars titled “Reading to Show Love”, the proceeds of which were donated to the Children’s Cancer Foundation (‘the Foundation’).

We sold 85 copies of Our Stories and 245 copies of Our Stories II, bringing the proceeds up to $26,713.40. This has been confirmed by the Foundation on 12th October 2016.

The school would like to sincerely thank all parents for their full and generous support!