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Admission Scholarships 2023/2024 (Deadline on 16 August at 8:00 am)

Admission Scholarships 2023/2024 are now open for applications, please refer to the below details;


(1) CUHK Chung Chi College x UOB Young Leaders Award

This award aims to attract, identify and develop all-rounded students and promote the “Chung Chi Spirits” focusing on Academics and Athletics (文武雙全), Morality and Service (德才兼備) and Spiritual Enhancement (靈性修為). 8 scholarships with amount of HK$50,000 each will be awarded. The awards are renewable given the students can fulfill the renewal requirements of the assigned tasks of the programme.

Click HERE for more details

Application Link:


(2) Chung Chi College Admission Scholarship for Outstanding Extra-curricular Performance

It is awarded to freshmen with excellent extra-curricular performance in art, music as well as science and technology during secondary school. One–off half tuition Fee Scholarship (HK$21,050) will be awarded.

Application Link:


(3) Chung Chi College Elite Athlete Admission Scholarship

It is awarded to freshmen with outstanding performances in sports, preferably for freshmen who are members of either the Hong Kong Team or Hong Kong Junior Squad. One–off half tuition Fee Scholarship (HK$21,050) will be awarded.

Application Link:


Should you are interested in applying the above scholarship(s), please submit the application(s) by 16 August (Wednesday) at 8:00 am.

For enquiries, please contact Mr. Sammy Lau ( / 3943 9893) or Ms. Venus Lam ( / 3943 9891).