Student Development

Music and History in Vienna & Berlin 2023

Music and History in Vienna & Berlin 2023

The College organizes a two-week study trip to experience Music and History in Vienna & Berlin in summer to deepen students’ understanding of the culture and society of foreign countries. You will have a chance to participating in different cultural activities e.g., visiting museum or watching opera. ARE U READY to join us!?

Date: 24 JUN – 8 JUL 2023 ( arrival date : 9JUL)

Participants: 20 (selected by interview)

Target Students:

.Show an interest in Austria and Germany culture

.Have CGPA 2.5 or above

.Be self-motivated in culture exploration

.Be interactive, cooperative, and self-disciplined

.Be a good team player

Cost: ( Subsidy: HK$13,000, subject to change )



Full fee: HK$26,000
(Subject to change)

Excluded AirfareHK$ 16,000

(Subject to change)

Round-trip air ticket








Local Transportation expenses




Meal and expenses during free time




.Deposit: HK$3,000 (refund upon FULL attendance of all scheduled briefings & activities and submission of quality post-trip assignments)

.Reference flight will be announced in MAR, you may buy the ticket through college ( pay HK$26,000 )or on your own ( pay HK$16,000 )

.To apply for subsidy, post -trip assignments should be submitted after the trip.


Pre-trip Preparation:

.Attend ALL briefings

.Taking a level 1 German language course is highly recommended

.Group presentations may be needed


Post-trip assignments:

.individual reflective journal

.Photo album and/or video


Online Application:

Deadline: 13 FEB 2023

Should you have any questions, please contact Tammy by / 3943 8010 or Perlie by / 3943 6994.


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