Student Development

Being a CC Mentee

Join the Chung Chi Mentor Programme to build lifelong friendships and exchange life experiencand knowledge with our Chung Chi alumni from all walks of life. It is also a good opportunity to enrich your social exposure and broaden your horizons.

The Local and Overseas Mentor Programme are now open for application. For more details, please refer to the poster and the Programme website.

If you are interested in joining the Programmes, please submit your application before January 20, 2023 (Friday).


Application form for Local Mentor Programme

Application form for Overseas Mentor Programme



  • Students could only join the Local and Overseas Programme ONCE respectively during their entire period of undergraduate study;
  • Students could NOT join the two Programmes in the same year;
  • Participants are required to attend a briefing session on January 16 or 17, 2023;
  • The matching result will be announced in February of 2023


For enquiries, please contact Ms. Rachel Fok at 3943 1536 or email to