



香港中文大學崇基學院Chung Chi College, CUHK03:22


【同學萬花筒 Kaleidoscope of Students】體育運動科學系三年級的劉佳櫻同學(Apple)是一名跳繩運動員,更是2019年香港跳繩代表隊成員。她與隊友組成HK09隊一同參加了第十屆亞洲跳繩錦標賽,取得公開組(十五歲或以上)的總季軍,其中在四人交互繩速度接力更是做出六百二十四次的成績,刷新亞洲紀錄!得到如此殊榮絕不容易,Apple有甚麼感受和心得可以分享呢?


Miss Lau Kai Ying Apple (Sports Sciences and Physical Education/3) is a rope skipping athlete and a member of the 2019 Hong Kong Rope Skipping Delegation Team. She and her team, HK09, participated in the 10th Asian Rope Skipping Championships and won the overall third place in the category “15+ Open”. Her team even broke the Asian record by jumping 624 times in the Double Dutch Speed Relay! It is never easy to win such a prestigious award. How does Apple feel about her experiences?