



香港中文大學崇基學院Chung Chi College, CUHK03:22


【同學萬花筒 Kaleidoscope of Students】「上莊」有助認識和體驗各式各樣的大學活動,也能促進個人成長,不少新生對此都躍躍欲試。另一方面,也有不少傳言指上莊會「燃燒GPA」,使人猶豫卻步。洪鈱淇同學(Monkey)是信息工程系的三年級生,他曾擔任過不同學生組織的幹事,包括文林宿生會、傅盃、舍音盃和信息工程學系系會,與此同時,他也保持甚佳的學業成績。到底身兼多職的他是如何克服不同的難關呢?上莊的過程又為他帶來哪方面的得著?


Being an executive committee member of a society or club is listed in many students’ must-do list while some may think that choice will cost them some considerable amount of GPA. Mr. Hung Man Kei (Monkey) is a year 3 student of Information Engineering. He has actively participated in different university activities. He served as executive committee members in different societies, including the Resident Students’ Association of Wen Lin Tang, the Fu-Cup, the Inter-hostel Singing Contest and the Society of Department of Information Engineering. At the same time, he maintained an outstanding academic result. How does Monkey overcome different challenges? What does he gain from all these experiences?