



香港中文大學崇基學院Chung Chi College, CUHK03:55


【同學萬花筒 Kaleidoscope of Students】就讀中醫的謝智勇同學(Vincent)除了兼顧學業外,更勇於在不同範疇作出新嘗試。他不僅是 2020 年香港中文大學傑出學生獎的得主,今年休學的他更成立了 YouTube 頻道「準醫師日記」,又憑豐富的辯論經驗,創立了口才訓練公司「專業溝通協會」。 疫情令很多人失去了大大小小的機會,但 Vincent 卻希望以休學生這最自由的身份,做最多的事。即使最終未能成功,換來的都是最珍貴的經驗。


Majoring in Chinese Medicine, Mr. Tse Chi Yung Vincent does not only focus on his study, but also actively works on several projects. Besides being a recipient of the 2020 CUHK Outstanding Students Awards, he is a YouTuber of his own channel “Little EC Dairy” and, with his experience in debate, the co-founder of an eloquence training company “Professional Communication Association”. To most people, it was a tough year to live with pandemic, but Vincent believes that he can make use of this freest status to do as much as he can. Success may not be guaranteed, but it is certain that all the efforts he made will be his most precious experience.