



香港中文大學崇基學院Chung Chi College, CUHK03:32


【同學萬花筒 Kaleidoscope of Students】崇基學院多年來培育出許多音樂人才,但也不乏運動健將。馮建晞(Argus)是健康與體育運動科學課程的四年級生,他曾任中大及崇基田徑隊隊長,更是香港男子百一米跨欄的青年紀錄保持者。去年暑假,他跟我們分享他的跨欄經歷。


Apart from music talents, there are many brilliant athletes flourished in Chung Chi College as well. Mr. Fung Kin Hei Argus is a Year 4 student majoring in Physical Education, Exercise Science and Health. He was the captain of the CUHK and Chung Chi athletic teams, and the holder of the Hong Kong junior record in Men’s 110m Hurdles. Last summer, he shared with CC-ers his experience as a hurdler.