Student Development

Co-wellness Peer Programme

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Initiated by the Chung Chi Student Wellness Task Group, Co-wellness Peer Programme aims at enhancing students' mental wellbeing and developing a caring attitude in campus. By building a supportive peer community in campus, it can develop a network of safe peer support and create a positive living environment by organising student-led wellness activities.



Training components:

  1. 12-hour WRAP® (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) Certificate Training (Person-oriented approach)
  2. Helping Skills Practice Session

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Service components:

  • Being a good listener to support emotionally-distress peers, sharing information when peers in emotional needs;
  • Self-initiated caring activities in student residence and campus
  • Service period: 2022-23 academic year

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After completion of the programme, you can: 

  • Receive a Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) Certificate (Internationally recognized)
  • Receive 4-6 hostel points (application in progress) and hostel place(s) recommended by Chung Chi Dean of Students’ Office with outstanding performance
  • Gain job opportunities in assisting CC wellness programme
  • Receive the Student Development Portfolio, SDP)



Target students: CC Undergraduate Students (Hall Residents will be an advantage)