Chung Chi College Staff Club


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Staff Membership

Members on regular University payroll will have their dues deducted monthly from their salary while others should make arrangements for payment of their dues with the Club. Monthly dues are set below:-


Full Membership

Professor (SL rank) & above (or equivalent) – HK$36

All other staff on Terms of Service A – HK$24

All staff on Terms of Service B (or equivalent)– HK$12


Affiliated Membership
Professor (SL rank) & above (or equivalent) or   part-time / short term staff – HK$48
All others – HK$36


Honorary Membership
No dues required.


Associate Membership
Annual Fee is HK$200.


Corporate Membership
To be determined by the Executive Committee of the Club.


Chung Chi College Staff Club may revise the membership fees from time to time.