General Education

GECC3230 Service-Learning Programme (Non-Local) | Participants' Sharing

In 2022, the mainland Service Learning Programme has been transformed into services in Hong Kong due to the epidemic. Students provide service for the following two groups:


Scavengers Service|Acknowledgment: Mission to New Arrivals Limited


Tsoi Yan Yi | Chinese Language and Literature

It is a true service to treat every person we serve with respect and care for them as the most ordinary of people.


Yip King Chun | Sociology

After visiting the scavengers in the community, I learnt that first-hand experience is very important. It also allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and learn about society in a different way.


Woo Pik Man| Chinese Language and Literature

I have learnt to humble myself and learn from the people I serve. At the same time, I have learnt to rediscover societal issues based on experience.


Cleaners Service|Acknowledgment: Mission to New Arrivals Limited


Wu Hor Yuet | Psychology

The cleaners often describe us as the future of society, as people who are going to be great. For me, after serving, I deeply believe that the real pillar of society is not how high you can stand, but how low you are willing to crouch.


Ng Sheung Wa Dimitri | Social Work

This Service-Learning Programme has taught me that having empathy and willingness is not enough for helping the cleaners, as the problems faced by cleaners are related to the social systems. In order to truly help the cleaners from their current conditions, our service has to be paired with an in-depth understanding of the problem.


Liu Johnson | Medicine

My favourite part of the whole programme was the opportunity to talk to local street cleaners and listen to their life stories. They taught me that happiness can come from many little things around you and that you should always be grateful for what you have.


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