Pastoral Care Student Council



The Student Council (SC) works with the school on promoting the general welfare of the school and on maintaining its high standard in the community.   It also provides a forum for the expression of student ideas, and to stimulate and co-ordinate student participation in school activities.


The Student Council is composed of the Principal, the Teacher Advisors, officers of the SC (including the Chairlady, the Vice Chairlady, the ECA Co-ordinator, the Service Co-ordinator, the Sports Co-ordinator, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Public Relations Officer) and the Spokesmen and Councillors of each class.


The officers of the Student Council are nominated by students of S3 and above, and elected by students of S2 and above.  The Spokesman and Councillor of each class are nominated and elected by students of their own class.


Each year, the SC organizes activities that provide opportunities to students to master leadership skills, to unleash the talents of schoolmates, to serve the needy in society and to show appreciation to teachers and schoolmates.