Teaching & Learning LIFE


LIFE Education


S4 LIFE curriculum is the acronym for Leadership, Innovation, Formation and Entrepreneurship.  This specially designed curriculum involves renowned educators from local and international sectors to further prepare our students not only for their intellectual development but also care for their well-being.


Adopting the Compassionate Systems Framework co-developed by Peter Senge (renown MIT professor on organisational learning) and Mette Boell (specialist in evolution of social systems), the school design its school-based Leadership programme which help students develop Leadership within themselves and 


In Formation sessions, students together with their Homeroom teachers deal with their adjustment into the senior secondary level.  Special attention is given to the Guidance and Career and Life Planning aspects to enable students to make informed decisions in important aspects of their future.


In the Innovation and Entrepreneurship workshops, Dreamstarter, a local community initiative, uses KickStarter as a framework to provide students with the tools and mindsets essential to innovation.  The workshops are all experiential and real-life based.  Key concepts introduced include lean startup, design thinking, content marketing and crowdsourcing, which are essential to prepare our students for the VUCA future.