General Education

GECC3230 Service-Learning Programme

Upper-Year General Education Elective | 3 Units 



Local Service Group


  • Every year, we collaborate with local NGOs and social service units. Four students, coming from different departments, are grouped according to their interests in different service targets. They serve not less than 80 hours in the community during summertime.
  • In the pre-service stage (April-May), with guidance by the course instructor, the group conducts agency visit and writes a service proposal. During the service stage (June-August), the course instructor and organization worker provide supervision and advice to students. In the post-service period (September), students submit individual and group reports, and oral presentation are required.
  • The service emphasizes the application of academic knowledge and skills as well as the reflection of self and social issues.


Participants' Sharing  


2023/2024 Service-Learning Programme (Local)  


  • Non-Social Work major students reaching to 3rd year or above in 2023/2024; Or
  • Senior year entrants non-Social Work major students who reach the 2nd year or above in 2023/2024

Remarks: Students with Failed records in GECC1000 in the two proceeding semesters will be given less priority in the selection process.




Non-Local Service-Group

  • Every year, we collaborate with overseas parties or local organization to serve in deprived regions for about 2-3 weeks.
  • Four students, coming from different departments, are grouped according to their interests in different service targets. 
  • In the pre-service stage, with guidance from the course instructor and the collaboration party, the groups draft service proposals according to the service targets described. During the service stage, the course instructor and collaboration party provide supervision and advice to students. In the post-service period, students submit individual and group reports and oral presentation is required.
  • The service emphasizes the application of academic knowledge and skills as well as the reflection of self and social issues.


Participants' Sharing


2023/2024 Service-Learning Programme (Non-Local)  


  • Students reaching to 3rd year or above in 2023/2024; Or
  • Senior year entrants students who reach the 2nd year or above in 2023/2024

Remarks: Students with Failed records in GECC1000 in the two proceeding semesters will be given less priority in the selection process.






GECC3230 Service-Learning Programme 2023/2024 [Closed]



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