恭喜本校中四盧耀宏、鄧越陽及張政浩同學獲得【SMART Community Hackathon 2020】「社區友善獎 」!

SMART Community Hackathon 2020的所有評審環節已經完滿結束,今年參賽的學校隊伍都充分將創新意念同STEM知識融會貫通,令作品緊扣「未來技能」同「身心健康」兩大比賽主題。經過來自不同界別專業人士組成的評審團評分,及網上投票,本校中四盧耀宏、鄧越陽及張政浩同學獲得【SMART Community Hackathon 2020】「社區友善獎 」!


「社區友善獎 」— 東華三院黃鳳翎中學(作品:沙灘輪椅載具 )



The Beach wheelchair vehicle is tailor-made for wheelchair users. The  vehicle can be use for every wheelchairs. It helps people with physical disabilities drive on the beach conveniently and the users can enjoy the fun of beach. Since the vehicle can be installed on any models of wheelchairs, users can enjoy using the shared belt. The wheelchair users can rent and return our vehicle to the centre afterwards. We hope that every wheelchair users can enjoy the sunlights and experience the fun on the beach.